Monday, April 4, 2011

Astounding Wolf-Man's Astonishing Conclusion

So, apparently this is the last volume on this guy. Confession Time: I had no idea this was the last volume until I started reading the little added material at the end of the book, a commentary between Robert Kirkman and the artist, that started off with something like, "I guess this will be the last one of these."

The book had a little bit of a weird feel, but now it looks like that was because everything was busy wrapping up right under my nose. Maybe this feeling would have translated to more excitement if I'd known that we were heading to The Final Countdown, but as it was the thing felt a little bit confusing. In fact, I would almost suggest that these last installments were written in such a way that the writer not only SUSpected, but fully EXpected that readers would know they were getting towards the end. He can't be entirely wrong either. Comic fans are not exactly known for avoiding news about their favorite industry. But it felt weird, and I guess I prefer my stories be wrapped up in such a way that I feel a sort of inevitability about the whole thing, a now or never moment near the end. He went for it, but it happens SUPER late in the story, and the final confrontations don't feel much different from the other big battles throughout the book. Now, part of this is certainly due to the fact that Kirkman writes a story where change is the only constant and you expect characters to die, make big decisions, and so on. I've never read the wrap-up of a Kirkman series before, but it was a little disheartening, after reading other volumes which ended on climactic high points, to see it sort of fade out. In fact, I would say that, though the ending in this volume was perhaps the most satisfying, it was the least interesting of the four.

Okay, and here comes the nerdy part which contains spoilers.

Part of the big issue in the book is the question of how you kill a vampire who is immortal and can turn to steam whenever he wants?

Well, it turns out that you just sort of decide to. You just pull out his heart really fast. That part pissed me right off.

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