Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dr. McNinja: Night Powers

The hilarious exploits of Dr. McNinja, his velociraptor-riding sidekick Gordito, and their nemesis: King Radical.

If you're not already interested, don't waste your time by reading further or asking me out on (more) dates. But DO check out the top moments from the life and times.

This collection was brought to you from the internet. Yes, McNinja is a webcomic available here. But honestly, I found reading it in book form to be much more satisfying.

McNinja feels like it's written like a traditional comic, then divvied up into daily pages. It's good stuff, and it's much better than a lot of daily strips which just don't reach the high levels of comedy you see here:

Not to mention the fact that the print edition includes small footnotes on every page. I'm not normally a footnote fan, and I think David Foster Wallace may, MAY, have realized what a mistake he was making with those when he did the deed. But these are pretty hilarious. Skipping them doesn't kill the story, and they're short enough that they don't kill the momentum. Some highlights:

"So step one is walk down by the docks with your shirt off."

"You may notice that the world of Dr. McNinja is very similar to that of video-game shooters. Flammable barrels are everywhere."

"My dad used to fly a jet like this one, and I asked him about what would really happen in this situation, but in the end I still just went with what I thought would be coolest."

"Whoever determined the spelling for 'pterodactyl' is kind of a jerk."

"Punching dinosaurs can quickly become an addiction."

"I don't even know if spider webs are flammable. Again, this is Zelda basically steering this comic."

"One kid on Legends of the Hidden Temple actually ran off the set when a temple guard got him. I would love to see that one."

"'You are an ugly horse.' Worse insult to a unicorn, or a person? Discuss."

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