Thursday, January 12, 2012

Amazing Spider-Man Catch-Up

Continuing on the goal to read every Amazing Spider-Man in existence, I've come across some highlights.

Ah, the goddamn laundry truck strikes again! Number one escape vector of prisoners! I know this sounds crazy, but maybe it's time to start doing laundry on site. I've never murdered anyone, and I have to do my own laundry. If laundry service is part of the gig, all of a sudden prison has just gained a couple points.

What's extra great about this is that Mysterio has chosen to escape on top of the laundry bus as opposed to hiding in the laundry or something. So maybe it has less to do with prisons' notorious cleanliness and more to do with keeping better track of cars that are driving around.

Wow. You tell 'em, Spidey. No wonder I grew up with no respect for women who live on bizarre islands and have hair that can be used like arms.

This is perhaps my favorite villain setup of all time.

Kingpin asks why an object is valuable. His henchman tells him that many men have died trying to get it. Kingpin immediately responds with "In that must be mine!" no point have we established that this object is of any value. Just that guys died trying to get it. I mean, I guess that's one indicator. But many men have died doing other shit that's of no value whatsoever. Getting to the top of Everest? That shit COSTS money.

The Kingpin's dastardly plan, in essence, is to have the mindset of a 4 year-old who hasn't learned to share.

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